DOE Packaging Exchange for Listing Available RAM Packaging

Package ID Number [Model No.] Listing Date General Description, Qty Available, and Location Full Description Photo Owner/Contact
5/30/2018 Shipping container for uranium oxide powder or pellets enriched to a maximum of 5%. Essentially two 55-gallon drums welded end to end with an internal containment vessel surrounded by vermiculite. MGW is 616 lbs. See NRC 9217 R18 for more information.
Qty 367 
Orano, Richland, WA
2018-001_ORA_ANF-250 2018-001_ORA_ANF-250 Don Petersen
(509) 375-8306 

Package ID Number [Model No.] - The package identification number on the ID plate and Certificate of Compliance (CoC), and the package model listed on the CoC.  For Class 7 (radioactive) packagings, the DOT marking or labeling.

Listing Date - Date listed on the exchange

General Description & Qty available - Brief description of the packaging: include physical description, RAM mission, quantity available, and current location of the packaging.  For example, T-3 is a stainless steel and lead shielded irradiated fuel shipping package (cask).  The cask is a right circular cylinder with impact limiters.  The overall dimensions are 541.5 cm in length and 132.1 cm in diameter, and without the impact limiters measures 450.1 cm in length and 67.16 cm in diameter.  The containment vessel measures 373.4 cm in length by 20.27 cm in diameter.  The shielding between CV and cask body is 20.3 cm thick.  The gross weight of the cask and contents is 17,364 kg.  Authorized contents are listed on DOE CoC#9132.  Three packagings and two trailers are offered for transfer and are currently stored at DOE Hanford.

Full Description - Link to thorough description of the packaging provided by the owner or link to CoC.

Photo - Hyperlink to current photo(s) of the packaging to represent the current condition.

Contact - owner contact to answer questions regarding the packaging and to facilitate the property transfer.

  1. To post on the DOE Packaging Exchange, the packaging owner shall complete the "Application to List on the DOE Packaging Exchange."  Click here to open/download the Application.  Email completed Application (with required attachments) to

  2. The DOE PCP Docket Manager will review the Application for completeness and post the listing on the exchange. Incomplete Applications will be returned.

  3. Interested parties shall contact and work directly with the packaging owner to facilitate a government property transfer (i.e., transfer ownership) or make other usage arrangements (e.g., government property loan, lease, or purchase).

  4. The packaging owner shall ship the packaging to the new owner in full compliance with DOT regulations [e.g., § 173.428 Empty Class 7 (radioactive) materials packaging] or current (i.e., not expired) NRC or DOE CoC.

Office of Environmental Management

1000 Independence Ave. SW
Washington DC 20585

Federal Government