Packaging Decertification Checklist
(updated 10/1/2019)

This guidance applies only to DOE elements or persons working under contract to DOE elements

DOE elements means programs, operations offices, field/site offices, and other organizational units of the Department of Energy, excluding those of the National Nuclear Security Administration.  The list of DOE elements is posted hereexternal (link to DOE Directives website).

This checklist is for DOE Certificate Holders of a Type B or fissile material packages certified by DOE or the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), or International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Special Form (SF) Radioactive Materials ​(RAM) certified by the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT),  when ​a certificate is no longer needed by the Department.  The certificate will be terminated by issuer, upon request by the Certificate Holder.

  1. Determine the number of packagings or SF items in use and current location(s).

  2. Contact each registered user to notify them of the intent to terminate the certificate.  The list of registered users is posted on RAMPAC.  A registered user may want to become the new Certificate  Holder; however, if there is no interest in transferring the Certificate Holder title, then proceed to Step 3.    

  3. Consider other potential uses of a decertified packaging including, but not limited to:

  1. onsite storage and/or transportation of RAM,
  2. conversion to a Type A 7A for shipment in commerce, or 
  3. direct disposal at an authorized radioactive material disposal site.

Note - If a decertified packaging will be used onsite or converted to another beneficial reuse, ensure the DOE and/or NRC data plate is removed, obliterated, or permanently covered and the packaging clearly marked for onsite use or new specified use. For direct disposal, the package should be disposed with the data plate and marking in place.  When the  disposal action is complete, then notify the DOE Headquarters Certifying Official of the date, packaging serial number(s), and location of the disposal site.

  1. The Certificate Holder must submit a request, in writing, to the DOE Headquarters Certifying Official [i.e., by memorandum from DOE Element (e.g., Heads of Operations Offices or Field Office/Site Office Managers) or by letter from the commercial owner] with the information in Steps 1 through 3.  For Step 2, the request must state that registered users have been notified of certificate holder's intention to decertify the package.

  2. The Headquarters Certifying Official will issue a decertification memo or forward a decertification request to the NRC or DOT, as appropriate.

Office of Environmental Management

1000 Independence Ave. SW
Washington DC 20585

Federal Government