Active DOT Special Permits with DOE as Holder
The table below lists all active DOT special permits (formerly called exemptions) with the Department of Energy as holder. Click on the hyperlink to view the exemption. Contact the Docket Manager for additions or corrections.
NOTE: color-coded dates indicate expiration during the next twelve months
Special Permit
Number |
Authorization Letter with
Expiration Date
(m/d/y) |
DOE Field Point of Contact for the Special Permit Application to DOT |
Summary |
William L Haver V (OREM) |
Authorizes the transportation in commerce of fissile uranium contaminated equipment containing up to 252 grams of uranium-235.
14283 |
Russell McCallister (EMCBC) |
Authorizes the transportation in commerce of non-DOT specification bulk packages containing uranium mill tailings and debris with low levels of radioactivity from the former Atlas uranium processing facility in Moab, Utah and vicinity locations to a DOE owned disposal facility near Crescent Junction, Utah. |
21072 |
Included with SP
7/31/2026 |
William L Haver V (OREM) |
Authorizes the transportation in commerce of radioactive materials in alternative packaging.
Amendment request submitted 1/5/2023. The revision 2 is issued on 3/7/2023. |
Included with SP
1/31/2027 |
Gabriel Melo (ORP) |
Authorizes the transportation in commerce of certain Class 7 materials in alternative packaging.
Renewal and amendment request submitted to DOT 1/4/2023, and acknowledged by DOT 1/5/2023. The revision 2 is issued on 6/5/2023. |
Updated November 11, 2024